
Credit Education

  • KCB Academy offers expertise and domain knowledge for executives and employees of financial companies, university students, and the general public by developing education programs which are fit for the recent risk management environment based on KCB credit data analytics capabilities.

    Nurturing Program + Customized Course + General Course = KCB Academy
    • Hands-on program through which latest methodologies and advanced financial techniques can be acquired in the areas of consumer credit and risk management
    • Program to help resolve issues faced by financial companies and deepen understanding of risk management related theories based on the credit bureau¡¯s time-series data which is the largest and only in Korea, and advanced analytic techniques
    • Program to gain insights for adapting to the rapidly changing market environment and leading development through opportunities to analyze and discuss latest changes and issues in the global financial market
    • High-quality program taught by lectures who are the best experts in consumer credit and risk management
  • KCB has strengthened cooperation with various stakeholders to fulfill its roles and obligations as social infrastructure.
    In addition, KCB has run diverse workshops, forums and education programs to support risk management.

    • Credit Data Supervision and
      Management Committee

      The Credit Data Supervision and Management Committee is a voluntary self-regulatory body operated to ensure accuracy and reliability of credit data and its management with financial companies which have contracted to report credit data and use KCB services.

    • CRO Community

      It is a seminar held to review and share major issues on finance and economy of the domestic market, as well as risk management with the attendance of CROs (Chief Risk Officers) of financial companies, scholars and opinion leaders in consumer credit.

    • Industry-Specific
      Seminars and Forums

      Seminar or forums are held for working-level employees of a specific industry such as banking, card, insurance, and mutual savings banking to give presentations on KCB services and how to use them along with recent market trends and issues.

  • KCB has taken the lead in raising awareness of the general public on credit by providing accurate information and credit counseling.


    AllCredit User Experience Group for
    Credit Management

    ¡®AllCredit User Experience Group for Credit Management¡¯ is a program designed to help consumers improve their credit life, giving accurate information on credit. Credit experts inform participating individuals of tips on how to manage credit in a professional and systematic way.
    Through the opportunity of credit education for financial consumers, they can realize the importance of credit management
    at first hand, with real experiences.

    7-Week Program for Mastering Credit Management
    • 01. Check current credit status
    • 02. Set target credit score and devise strategies
    • 03. Examine current level of economic status and risk
    • 04. Understand financial capability
    • 05. Search custom loan programs
    • 06. Find ways on how to improve credit score
    • 07. See improved credit score

    KCB Credit Education Group

    KCB desires to contribute to establishment of sound financial orders and development of the credit society, making the proper
    credit management culture take root through credit education which is the foundation of every one¡¯s financial life.
    With this intent, the KCB Credit Education Group is providing credit education and counseling activities, utilizing experiences and expertise of selected retirees, who previously worked in the financial institutions, and professional and specialized education contents.

    • Recruit and select credit education group members
    • Offer special education for selected members
    • Conduct credit education activities
    • Support and manage education activities

